Back to School asthma advice

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Every year in September, there is a sharp rise in the number of children being admitted to hospital with asthma or wheeze symptoms.

This is probably due to colds and viruses spreading when children return to school in September and January.

You can't stop your child getting a cold, or control the change in weather, but there are actions you can take to help.

With good asthma control your child can stay healthy, so you don’t have to worry.

Tips for good asthma control

  • Make sure you are using your inhalers correctly.
  • Take your preventer inhaler or treatment every day, even when you are well. 
  • Always use your spacer if you have an aerosol inhaler.
  • Have a set routine for when you take your preventer inhaler, for example before you brush your teeth.
  • Make sure your inhaler is visible or set an alarm to help you remember.
  • Make sure you know what to do when your asthma is getting worse.
  • Follow your asthma action plan and know what to do in an emergency.
  • Know your triggers and manage these to avoid symptoms.

Asthma at school

Talk to your child's teacher about their health needs. Make sure your child knows the importance of telling a teacher if they are not feeling well.

  • Provide school with a reliever (blue) inhaler and a spacer.
  • Ensure school have a copy of your personalised asthma action plan.
  • Update emergency contact numbers with school office.

Get the seasonal flu vaccine via school or your GP.

Asthma attacks are a medical emergency, always seek help if your child is not responding to their rescue medication.

If you are needing to use the blue (reliever) inhaler more than 3 times a week, this is a sign of poor asthma control. Book an asthma review straight away.