
Thank you to all the members of our Steering Group who gave their valuable time and input to this initiative:

Dr Nicole Allshorn

West Yorkshire Healthier Together Clinical lead, GP, Bradford

Dr Vicki Hemming West Yorkshire Healthier Together Clinical lead, Consultant Paediatrician, The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Dannie Harding

West Yorkshire Healthier Together Project Lead, Children, Young People and Families Programme, West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership

Dipika Kaushal CEO, Northorpe Hall Child and Family Trust
Anna Christensen Freelance Graphic Designer
Dr Amrit Bhatti toothPASTE Project Manager and Qualitative Researcher, School of Dentistry, University of Leeds
Alison Hemsworth Head of Services Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire
Claire Sidebottom Acting Service Manager, Wakefield Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Dr Debbie Hallott GP, Wakefield, Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group
Dr Fiona Campbell Consultant Paediatrician, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Lead for the Long Term Conditions Group at the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, Clinical Lead for the National Children and Young People Diabetes Quality Programme at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Chair for the National Children and Young People's Diabetes Network
Dr Katherine Hickman GP and West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership lead for respiratory
Emma Lonsdale Children’s Commissioning Manager , Health, North Yorkshire County Council
Linda Moon General Manager, Calderdale and Kirklees Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Dr Mat Mathai Consultant Paediatrician, Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Lead for the Born in Bradford Programme, Clinical Lead for the Children's Healthcare in the Community workstream of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Children, Young People and Families Programme
Matt Spencer Paramedic and Lead Clinical Pathway Manager, Yorkshire Ambulance Service
Molly Corner Policy Manager, Strategy and Integration, Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Naomi Marquis Local Authority Public Health Lead, Calderdale Council
Karen Poole Associate Director for Maternity Transformation
Dr Jess Keeble

GP, Bevan House Primary Care Centre, Bradford

Jo Rooney Senior Commissioning Manager for Children and Young People, Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group
The Communications and Engagement Team West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
Youth Work Unit Youth Work Unit, Leeds

Thank you to our partner organisations who have collaborated with us and whose visions are so aligned to our own. We would also like to thank the South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Healthier Together team, and the National Healthier Together team for their support.

We would like to thank everyone involved who has contributed to this initiative, but especially the parents, carers and young people of West Yorkshire.